Kinder Morgan – Cement Terminal Storage and Loadout System
Matrix PDM Engineering provided economic feasibility analysis, conceptual, preliminary and final engineering, and construction management for the $19 million cement terminal at Kinder Morgan’s Dakota Bulk Terminal in St. Paul, Minnesota. The nine acre terminal is used for unloading barges and rail cars, conveying and storing product in seven welded steel silos, and loading and weighing trucks and rail cars. The new facility boasts a total storage capacity of 23,900 tons and can handle 400,000 tons of cement each year.
The cement terminal features a pneumatic system that can unload a barge in four hours and a truck loadout station capable of loading four trucks simultaneously. The loading stations are equipped with truck/rail scales, a lump crusher and telescoping spout with dust filter. Trucks are loaded via automated batch loading with future ability for unattended loading. The terminal has a complete Ethernet system connecting two ControlLogix systems.
Matrix PDM also designed the rail modifications for the project. Layout included approximately 2,800 LF of new rail track to support the new bulk cement storage and transfer facility. Work included two switches, rail unloading pit, drainage improvements, utility relocation, terminal road crossing, signalization, and coordination with the rail operator.
Scope of Work
- Economic feasibility analysis
- Conceptual, preliminary, and final engineering
- Construction management
- Barge unloading, truck loadout, and rail loadout