SNC Lavalin – Iron Ore Storage Facility
Matrix PDM Engineering designed and furnished an iron ore storage facility in Liberia, which was installed by SNC-Lavalin/ArcelorMittal. Iron ore is delivered to the site by railcars, which were unloaded by three excavators, each mounted on a fixed support platform.
The excavators pick iron ore out of the railcars and discharge it into three fixed hoppers. Vibrating feeders under the hoppers control the flow of material to 1800 metric tons per hour and discharge jointly onto a belt conveyor. The belt conveyor elevates and is outfitted with a traveling tripper, which travels above the stockpile from one end of the pile to the other. Iron ore is discharged from the tripper onto a pile, where it is stored and eventually loaded onto ships for export.
The entire operation is controlled from a central programmable logic controller’s station, which was also furnished by Matrix.