Kinder Morgan – Expansion and Truck Loadout
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Matrix PDM Engineering provided services to expand the facility capability by adding truck loadout capacity. The Philadelphia terminal is a liquid product storage facility for petroleum, chemical and denatured spirits products.
incident safety culture
per hour inbound
commitment to safety
Scope of Work
- Multidiscipline design including piping, civil, electrical and control systems
- Truck loadout expansion to increase truck turnaround efficiency
- New high volume transfer to truck racks
- Integration of addition with existing rail unloading and tank to tank transfers
- Inbound 7500 bbl/hour and loading 7500 bbl/hour
- Toptech control system designed to monitor same-day inventory and 24-hour customer billing
- Control system design to manage new addition including truck bay operation
- Civil design for road improvements and truck entrance
- Design utilized two variable frequency drive (VFD) controlled transfer pumps to push product to three truck zones equipped with mass flow meters, digital controls, and loading arm assemblies
- Designed the layout of a new truck entrance, guardhouse and road improvements for the logistical enhancements associated with the truck loading operation