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California Sulfur Company – Sulfur Unit Upgrade

Location: Long Beach, California

In 2005 Matrix PDM Engineering was hired by California Sulfur Company to upgrade their original sulfur forming unit. The upgrade replaced an older unit, which had operated successfully for 25 years. This new unit, with a capacity of 2,000 tons per day, doubled the original capacity and was the first Devco II Sulfur Forming Unit. Matrix PDM's scope included engineering of the sulfur forming unit, as well as truck unloading and conveying. Additionally, Matrix PDM provided construction and start up supervision and support.

sulfur forming capacity
commitment to safety

Scope of Work

  • Engineering
  • Sulfur forming, truck unloading, and conveying
  • Construction and start up supervision and support
Devco II Sulfur Forming
Sulfur forming
Matrix PDM

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